

So, follow me
we are going to be
like two days,
in a life.
Lost in myself
I search you, but
are you there?
I don't find you, why?
Please, go here and
look at me
stay with me...
Sorry, I'm losting my place
in your world.
I cry, but i can't do anything
But, tell me:
Why? Why you're not happy?

3 comentarios:

Observadora curiosa dijo...

uo uo uo!!!! benvingut al mon bloggeroooo xDD

adivina ki soc... xDDD

eissss as escrit tu tot aixo??? mol xulo!!! depresiu am un toc de romanticisme ... MENCANTAAA

Anónimo dijo...

Com mola noia!
M'agrada molt ^^
Benvinguda al món dels blocs :P

CryingISay dijo...

Dark Ray:
ey! saps que? aquest post teu es diu igual que un dels meuss... quina coincidencia no?
M'agrada, esta molt chulo. Es chulo chulo. ;)